Sunday, September 28, 2014


   Nag Nag Nag!!!!!
All you do is Nag.... You are like that horrible girlfriend, always bitching at me. I'm trying to get some posts done.

   The week has gone well. I'm almost inspired. Trying to infuse my mind with more positive things. Too much hate for too many days.

   I'm really trying to get centered. The point of this is to get to some great balance and illustrate it. Unfocused... I got tons of work done today... but I was lost... lost in my head.... lost not knowing what to do... being chased by my demons.... Some of it is my head trying to solve the great equation which is life.... It's not as hard as we make it.

I sit here tonight, thinking as though I can eat something that will solve it all. Solve what you say....
2am.... I just want that zen life....fluid... step step step.... life... able to deal with the chaos... Just daily plodding through beauty...

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