Sunday, September 28, 2014


   Nag Nag Nag!!!!!
All you do is Nag.... You are like that horrible girlfriend, always bitching at me. I'm trying to get some posts done.

   The week has gone well. I'm almost inspired. Trying to infuse my mind with more positive things. Too much hate for too many days.

   I'm really trying to get centered. The point of this is to get to some great balance and illustrate it. Unfocused... I got tons of work done today... but I was lost... lost in my head.... lost not knowing what to do... being chased by my demons.... Some of it is my head trying to solve the great equation which is life.... It's not as hard as we make it.

I sit here tonight, thinking as though I can eat something that will solve it all. Solve what you say....
2am.... I just want that zen life....fluid... step step step.... life... able to deal with the chaos... Just daily plodding through beauty...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

another week

and now I'm sick...

   Trying to get a break from it all. Sometimes that is what sickness is. The body can take no more. It shuts down and tells us that we don't have a choice.

   No existential lessons just trouble breathing... .sitting up.... trying to get something done...

Filled myself full of healthy food, special herbs... no dice.... I'm down for the count.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Long time.

It helps when I write as though I'm talking to you. I'm sitting here... I've been good and decided to reward myself. I've been on a very heavy aggressive diet. It's part of this current work. I've wanted to feel better. I thought I should reward myself. I had a hard week, I've been very good the past few days, It's Sunday. I ate a package of graham crackers. some are as much as 1000 calories per 8 cracker bag. I'm at a little better ease because this one was probably only 300. My diet has changed so I can get more done and build more athleticism. So... that and watching a movie.

I'm supposed to sit here and get all zen on you. Funny if you knew me, you would laugh... my friends would laugh and do. But... I'd laugh at them too. All the enlightenment none of us have. That is the point.... That is what this work is. Lets see if it works.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Another Morning in Paradise.

   I'm really kidding.

I haven't had the best couple days.

The lesson is, I think, There are the bad thing that happens, the unpleasant thing that disrupts our life. It's how we relate to it though that can be the problem. That is the thing we can do something about is How we "deal" or how we "react" to our problems. The warrior acts, the fool reacts. That is what we can do about it. That is where we can improve our condition. Christians may say "this is the challenge the lord has given you, He hasn't given you more than you handle".
   I have let myself be upset, angry, drunk, sad, miserable. Today I have to get it all together and pick up my hammer and start laying the proverbial Railroad track, John Henry.

One of the things I'm working on is trying to be motivated... One needs goals... things one really wants out of life.... things that bring fulfillment... One isn't just motivated... one does things that fills our needs to be the person we deep down want to be. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Slight Derail

I have a few things going on. I real test of my uncentered nature.... er something. I don't have anything to say except that it has me very distracted..... and at times angry.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

seeing double

.... I'm human.... there is a pizza in the oven.. 1000 calories of shitty fat and carbs... I'm barely able to see... do not mistake me for "the buddha" jack kerouac" on the road...
fuck that whore.....
numb I'm in a state of numb. wake up tomorrow or not..

O will fall apart on the floor...

The demon's have me;...

What a miserable day.

It has all piled up on me, the straw broke the camels back..... I'm busting out the gin.... who knew it was so Zen....
cell phone broken.
car broken
life broken
60 bucks in the bank
but a fridge full of gin

Nothing wrong with falling apart....... I may have been due....Just so long as I don't break my diet right. ...

drinking the biggest Gin and tonics as I can.. until I fall down... I know it doesn't "really help"... maybe it does... Just not in a real way... Maybe I just get to fall apart from time to time....

I guess my post will continue to wait.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tired ass...

.... I'm worn out right now. My journey is tired. I spent some time meditating in the mountains. It's so strange... Irritated at all the work to get up there... then a few hours of solitude... somehow I can't find that in my daily life.

  Tumult going on in my head... Like and ocean at war with the wind rain and lightening. It will pass, the question is why? ....
and If I knew that.... the storm would be over.

... They talk about a middle path. Not to one extreme or another. In the Tao it's to flow with the river. The paradox in life.... mixed with walking that razor's edge of the middle road. I'd be curious how to write on the comparison between the two.

and.... I think I need my daily practice in order.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Little did I know

Not publishing crap takes time. Working on a good first post. It's just taking time. Made good progress on it.. but who knows if I'll have time to finish it until sunday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Great work.

   What a Claim right? Don't answer that. ;) I have a goal in mind. It's no less that the magnum opus of my life. It's not a book, it's not a blog, It's a concept. A full experience.

    For some amount of time, probably beyond my ability to remember, I've struggled with meaning in my life. This is amusing. I think I have let myself off the hook about having meaning in my life. Most people struggle with meaning in their life, I just gave up on it, why bother with the big questions if nobody else bothers, why should I?
   The tell tale heart, of finding meaning, has been beating quite loudly in the past few years, and particularly in the past few months. I've been giving people advice for the past few weeks and somehow I managed one of those epiphany moments, I needed to take my own advice. Nobody is going to do it besides me, It's my project I don't need anyone else to do it, or anyone to do anything to make it happen. I needed to get out of my own way and let this project that has gnawed and my leg like a dog that needs a walk ... well I needed to let that dog hunt. Here I am.

   The purpose of this blog is to help me to organize what I'm going to do in "the great work", It's sort of The Method of The Great work. A way to solidify my thoughts, before I start it. The Way of the Great work. So.... here it is.


I've been working on an opening for this blog for three or more days. I think I need to simplify. What I probably don't need to do is drink gin... I like that as an idea but I'm positive it won't really help. I need to simplify. I need to be clear and keep it simple. I keep wondering why it takes so many words for most writers to get to the point. This may be why. I am trying to put 30 pounds of hammers in a 10 pound bag.
ok, lets try again.